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This method is using a 1litre French Press, which will brew 2/4 cups of coffee.

Equipment required:


  • Grind your coffee to a coarse level (couscous sized)


  • Bring the kettle to boil, once boiled leave water to cool slightly (approx 1 minute).
  • Put French Press on the scale, add 45g of freshly ground coffee and tare the scale.


    • Start the timer and slowly pour in 750ml of water, ensuring all coffee is saturated.


    • Leave to brew for 4 minutes, break the crust of the coffee and scoop off any floating surface particles of coffee.


    • Once you've removed the floating coffee sediment from the crust, leave to brew for another 4 minutes.


    • Insert the plunger in the top and slowly press about halfway down (do not compress the coffee down).


    • Serve all the brewed coffee into cups or a separate decanter and "voilà" you're all set!


    Now it's time to time to choose one of our delicious coffees, view the range here Bon Appetite!


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